Every driver should know this: How to show the car to the police

Why do police touch your car

If you are stopped by the police while driving, it is important to know how to properly show your car to the officer. By doing so, you can avoid any potential problems and ensure that the officer has everything he or she needs. Here are some tips on how to show your car to the police:

What can be done during the inspection?

The traffic police claim that the mere suspicion that a vehicle or item is being used for an illegal purpose is sufficient justification for inspecting it. In addition, the following reasons justify inspecting the vehicle and its cargo:

orientation, details regarding the use of the car for illegitimate purposes, marking verification and data reconciliation with registration documents, non-compliance of the cargo, and documents related to it.

A visual inspection of the vehicle and the transported cargo constitutes the inspection of the vehicle and cargo. The majority of the time, it is done without the help of witnesses, though using technical tools isn’t entirely out of the question.

The traffic police claim that the mere suspicion that a vehicle or item is being used for an illegal purpose is sufficient justification for inspecting it. In addition, the following reasons justify inspecting the vehicle and its cargo:

  • orientation, details regarding the use of the car for illegitimate purposes, 
  • marking verification and data reconciliation with registration documents, 
  • non-compliance of the cargo, and documents related to it.

A visual inspection of the vehicle and the transported cargo constitutes the inspection of the vehicle and cargo. The majority of the time, it is done without the help of witnesses, though using technical tools isn’t entirely out of the question.

The driver is also given the option to voluntarily allow the police officer to visually inspect the car and any areas where cargo is intended to be transported, such as the glove box, trunk, and truck body. The inspection’s findings are reflected in an act that was created in an arbitrary format.

What is an inspection and why do police touch your car? 

Inspection is the process of looking over the vehicle without compromising its integrity structurally. In this situation, inspectors can already conduct a hands-on inspection of the trunk, glove box, and other technological crevices and enclosed spaces, such as the fuel tank and body trim.

The primary goal of inspections is to prevent the transportation of explosives, drugs, and weapons. They act primarily as preventatives in the vast majority of situations.

Inspection without witnesses – is it generally legal?

Contrary to the inspection, the vehicle inspection is done either with two witnesses present or without, according to the traffic police’s explanations. A different option is to record videos. The driver must obey the traffic police inspector’s decision to conduct an inspection with attesting witnesses or while being recorded on camera. For instance, witnesses are harder to locate at night or on a rural highway. Therefore, it is entirely legal for there to be no attesting witnesses present when a shooting occurs.

It doesn’t matter if there are any attesting witnesses present; the inspectors must first start creating an examination protocol. This document is regarded as providing the legal foundation for starting the procedure.

Any video camera, any smartphone, even the inspector’s personal phone, may be used to record; there are no strict specifications for the equipment in the law. The most important aspect is that the video conveys exactly what is happening there. The protocol must start filming before it is written: the inspector introduces himself and states that he is gathering the required paperwork before moving on to the car inspection. The driver is free to engage in the independent, alternative shooting.

The driver is consequently given a copy of the inspection protocol. The record ought to include any illegal or suspicious activity discovered by the police. If not discovered, too. The driver and any witnesses who may have been present sign the protocol.

The expert also believes that high-quality video recording is a more practical choice for the driver. As a result, if the case is suddenly brought before a judge, finding witnesses and using their witness statements to establish that there may have been a violation by the inspectors will be difficult.

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