60 Inspirational Quotes For When You Feel Like Giving Up

When you feel like giving up quotes

Are you looking for inspirational sayings to give you that extra push to accomplish a task? So you’re exactly where you need to be! Everyone experiences periods where they don’t really believe in themselves or in the idea of a project. I undoubtedly share your feelings. After all, achieving “a world free of plastic” and “a sustainable life in our society” is not exactly a goal that can be accomplished in a week.

You require that additional motivational push. I want to provide you with the motivational quotes in this collection that have particularly inspired me. I hope they move you as well!

When you feel like giving up quotes

  • “Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you could get better at it.” (Jim Rohn)
  • “The trick is to get up one more time than you are knocked over.” (Winston Churchill)
  • “Whoever fights can lose. If you don’t fight, you’ve already lost.” (Bertolt Brecht)
  • “It’s always too early to give up.” (Norman Vincent Peale)
  • “You cannot cross a lake just by standing and looking at the water.” (Rabindranath Tagore)
  • “You’re never too old to dream a new dream.”  (CS Lewis)
  • “You have to do exactly what you think you can’t do.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • “We do not dare not because it is difficult, but because we do not dare, it is difficult.” (Seneca)
  • “Either we find a way or we make one.” (Hannibal Barkas)
  • “I can’t say if it gets better if it gets different. But I can say this much: It has to be different if it’s going to get better .” (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)
  • “Every difficult situation that you master now will be spared you in the future.” (Dalai Lama)
  • “If you can imagine it, you can do it.” (Walt Disney)
  • “It’s never too late to become what you could have been.” (George Eliot)
  • “Paths are created by walking them.” (Franz Kafka)
  • “When the others think you’re at the end, you have to really start first.” (Konrad Adenauer)
  • “I don’t measure success by my wins, but by whether I get better every year.” (Tiger Woods)
  • “Obstacles and difficulties are steps on which we climb.” (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • “Strength does not grow from physical strength – rather from an indomitable will.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • “A mighty flame arises from a tiny spark.” (Dante Alighieri)
  • “Stay away from people who want to downplay your dreams. Little people always do that. Big people make you feel like you can grow too.” (Mark Twain)
  • “Anyone with a new idea is a nutcase. Until the idea succeeds.” (Mark Twain)
  • “Don’t let the fear of failure outweigh the desire to succeed.” (Robert Kiyosaki)
  • “Be yourself the change you wish for in this world.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • “With small blows, one falls also big trees.” (Benjamin Franklin)
  • “Whoever has no goal can also not achieve one.” (Lao Tse)
  • “We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently.” (Aristotle)
  • “If a man has no reason to do something, he has a reason not to do it.” (Walter Scott)
  • “It is up to you whether you want to use the New Year as a brake or as an engine.” (Henry Ford)
  • “To achieve great things, we must not only act but also dream. We must not only plan but also believe.” (Anatole France)
  • “Even skyscrapers once started at the bottom.” (Hanno Nühm)
  • “A ship is safer when it is in port. But that’s not what ships are built for.” (Paulo Coelho)
  • “Even a heavy door only needs a small key.” (Charles Dickens)
  • “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it.” (Henry Ford)
  • “I didn’t fail – I discovered 10,000 ways that didn’t work.” (Thomas Alva Edison)
  • “Problems are opportunities to show what you can do.” (Duke Ellington)
  • “Believing in our power can increase it to infinity.” (Friedrich Schlegel)
  • “If you stop wanting to get better, you stop being good.” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  • “The secret of happiness is freedom. But the secret of freedom is courage.” (Thukydides)
  • “The heaviest rain begins with drops.” (German proverb)
  • “Whoever does what he already can, always remains what he already is.” (Henry Ford)
  • “A positive attitude towards solvable problems is already half the success.” (Ernst Ferstl)
  • “The greatest glory in life is not in never falling, but in getting up every time.” (Nelson Mandela)
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good for the great.” (John D. Rockefeller)
  • “Only the weak are sent down easy paths.” (Hermann Hesse)
  • “You will only grow as a person when you are outside of your comfort zone.” (Percy Cerutty)
  • “No one knows what he can do until he has tried it.” (Publilius Syrus)
  • “With diligence, courage and a firm will, every wish can finally be satisfied.” (Novalis)
  • “If there is a belief that can move mountains, it is belief in your own strength.” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  • “Don’t look for mistakes, look for solutions.” (Henry Ford)
  • “Our destiny does not depend on the stars, but on our actions.” (William Shakespeare)
  • “The slowest, who does not lose sight of his goal, always goes faster than the one who wanders around without a goal.” (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
  • “It’s not how far you fall that counts – but how high you spring back.” (Zig Ziglar)
  • “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” (Lewis Carroll)
  • “You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible.” (Hermann Hesse)
  • “Whether you think you can achieve something or not – you are always right.” (Henry Ford)
  • “If you want to move the world, you should first move yourself.” (Socrates)
  • “One has never built a monument to critics, but often to the criticized.” (Glenn W. Turner)
  • ” Dream as far as you can see and when you get there you can see further.” (Zig Ziglar)
  • “Have patience, all things are difficult before they become easy.” (Saadi)
  • “The world steps aside to let someone who knows where they’re going.” (David Starr Jordan)

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