How To Remove the YouTube App From Your TV or Phone

How to cancel youtube tv

It’s very simple to uninstall YouTube from your TV. YouTube can be removed from TVs just as easily as it can be removed from Android phones, as some people wish to do for a variety of reasons, including the fact that there are so many kids. Using enough storage, downloading other apps, or watching YouTube on the YouTube app, whichever is more crucial.

How to cancel youtube tv

You can easily uninstall YouTube from your TV by doing the following:

  • You can see the home icon on the TV remote control by opening the TV and selecting the HOME option.
  • You will then be able to control all of the TV’s apps after which you can use the remote control’s arrows to move to the YouTube app.
  • When you stand up on YouTube and press and hold the OK button, a screen stating that the YouTube app is under control will appear.
  • By pressing the X button, you can now uninstall the app; however, neither the TV’s settings nor the remote control contain this button.
  • You can remove the app by pressing the X that appears in front of you after pressing the up arrow on your remote to make this sign appear.
  • Once the TV has finished scanning the YouTube app, press OK on the remote control to remove the YouTube app.

How to remove youtube from samsung tv

It’s simple and easy to remove YouTube from a TV, but occasionally users do it incorrectly. Now, you can do it correctly by following these instructions:

  • On the TV remote, select the HOME icon, then select the My Apps menu option.
  • You will then be transferred to another screen that contains additional TV applications.
  • Press and hold the YouTube app until the option to uninstall appears, and then click OK.
  • Consequently, removing the YouTube app from your Samsung TV is simple.

Remove YouTube from android

You can now uninstall YouTube from TVs or Android devices in a matter of seconds by following these instructions:

  • Take YouTube out of the settings: On your Android phone, open the Settings menu, select Apps, select the YouTube app, and then select Disable.
  • Open the Google Play app on your phone, and then tap the main menu icon, which is represented by three identical dots next to the screen, to remove YouTube from the store.

Remove apps from LG Smart Screen

There is no difference between removing YouTube from your TV or any other app from your Android phone because the distinction is minimal, and you can now remove the apps you want from your TV by following these instructions:

  • Enter apps after selecting interior space from the screen settings menu.
  • The app you want to remove can now be selected by clicking on it, followed by the words “Uninstall” and “OK.”
  • Thus, removing the YouTube app or any other app from your smart screen is simple.

Delete YouTube app from iPhone

Open the YouTube app on your phone, then press and hold it until the vibrating icon appears on the screen. Then, press the cancel icon within the YouTube app, then press the delete button, then press the Done and ready button. From your phone, remove YouTube.

Remove the YouTube app from Android phones

Go to the settings menu on your phone, select “Apps,” then choose the app you want to remove—whether it’s YouTube or another one—and tap the “Disable” option until the app is gone from the phone.

Remove YouTube from browsers

You must know this clearly about other devices,  that it will remove content that has been uploaded to the account’s channel, and it will also remove browsing history and watchlists:

Click on the account icon after launching the browser, and then select YouTube settings to access the advanced settings menu.

You will find a number of options at the bottom of the list, including a button to delete the channel. Click it to remove both the channel and YouTube from the browser.

As a result, even though millions of people use the YouTube app daily, we occasionally need to remove it from our TV or phone for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, with the help of this article, you can quickly and easily remove the YouTube app from your TV or phone.

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