50 Quotes About Meeting Someone for the First Time

Meeting Someone for the First Time

There’s a lot to love about meeting new people, but we’re guessing that one of the best parts is the giddy feeling you get when you first meet someone. There’s just something about it that makes you want to move mountains and conquer the world. But also, it’s just a really good feeling.

It’s like your brain just has to process everything at once: their name, how they look, how they smell—and then all of those things together make up who they are. It’s pretty amazing!

And it can be hard to describe in words how much we love this feeling. But here’s one way: think about how much joy you get from eating your favorite food for the first time, or taking a sip of your favorite drink after months or even years of never having it again. You want to know if they’re going to be a good person to spend time with—and if you make it through the first few weeks of being in each other’s company, will they still be the same person in six months? Is there some kind of connection between the two of you that will last forever?

We all have those questions in mind when we meet someone new. It’s just part of being human—but sometimes it can actually be hard to answer them. After all, life is too short for us not to make friends! Below are the 50 qoutes about meeting someone for the first time. 

Lovely Quotes About Meeting Someone for the First Time – Love is a Powerful Emotion


  1. Love is one of the few things in this world that can make you truly happy. A great way to show love towards someone else is to spend quality time with them.
  2. When you meet someone for the first time, there are many different emotions, but one thing is for sure: love is a powerful emotion.
  3. You know you have met the love of your life when you experience the most amazing feeling within your heart.
  4. There is an elusive, mysterious connection when you meet someone and you feel they are special to you.
  5. When you meet that special someone, you have hope for a better future. The obstacles are removed from your path, and your dreams are within reach.
  6. There’s no better feeling than when you meet someone special for the first time, and you know it’s the beginning of something beautiful.
  7. When you meet someone special for the first time, there’s an instant connection.
  8. When you meet someone special for the first time, you just know you have met someone you will cherish forever.
  9. When you know someone special, you know it before either of you says a word, and it is confirmed in the way your eyes connect for that first time.
  10. Something happens when you meet that special someone: the impossible seems possible, the difficult becomes easy, and worlds previously thought to be unattainable are suddenly within reach.
  11. You just know someone is special as soon as you meet them, and there are no doubts in your mind about what will happen next.
  12. You know when you meet someone special, and a feeling of pure bliss hits you. It’s like love takes over your body and everything around you is just right.
  13. Butterflies flutter in your stomach, and you lack words to describe how much you care for that special someone in your life when you first meet them.
  14. It’s hard to describe the feeling of when you meet that special someone. At first, I felt that we had a special connection, and after just an hour of talking, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
  15. You can feel it in your heart and soul; pure, beautiful love. It’s like when you meet the one person you know you are meant to spend the rest of your life with.
  16. The first time you meet your lover, you know that your eyes were meant to meet. It’s like love at first sight when they look into your eyes, and they know they will never feel the same love again.
  17. That first time we met, I knew you were the one. I felt a rush of love, and I still feel that way to this day. You’re the one for me.
  18. Love is the only magic that can make two bodies become one soul. It’s a universal feeling that we are all destined to share, and there is no other feeling like it.
  19. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I looked into his eyes and felt that we really were meant for each other. He was so handsome, and the way he looked at me made me think that we were going to be together forever.
  20. When you look into someone’s eyes, you can see just how much they love you. That’s where the beauty of love comes from.
  21. When you meet that special person, electricity runs through your body, and you know that the fates want you together.
  22. When you meet the right person, everything changes. There’s a sense of feeling whole again.
  23. When you finally meet that special someone and fall in love, life is out of your control. You’re nervous yet happy – because there is no denying the power of true love.
  24. When you find your one true love and fall in love, there is no denying the power of your heart and soul. Your heart takes over, and you are lost in the feeling.
  25. When you’ve finally found the one, your heart takes over, and everything else fades into the background.
  26. True love doesn’t fade; it increases over time. It always finds you when you least expect it.
  27. When you meet your soul mate, the connection is immediate, and sparks fly. You can feel every emotion in your body, from the butterflies to your expanding heart. Nothing else compares to that feeling.
  28. There’s no doubt that love is the most powerful emotion. When you find that one person, you are changed forever.
  29. Romance is all about love, passion, and spending quality time with the person you care about.
  30. Love, at first sight, is real. It’s a warmth that fills your heart and an amazing connection that you both feel when you look into each other’s eyes.
  31. There is nothing like reconnecting with that special person in your life.
  32. There’s nothing like spending some time alone with the person you love. It shows that you care, that you’re thinking of them, and that you want to make them happy.
  33. Meeting a special someone is about sharing your love, spending time with the person that you care about, and creating unforgettable memories.
  34. Remember the last time you looked into someone’s eyes, and you knew right away that they were the one? That love is your soulmate.
  35. I always feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world when I am with you. You are my prince charming who came to save me and give me eternal happiness. I love you, babe!
  36. You look deep into their soul and see a person like no other. You feel a connection to them, something you’ve never felt with anyone before. You’re not just in love – you’re true love.
  37. I was so nervous about approaching you the first time we met. I wanted to talk to you, but I had been hurt before.
  38. There is no better feeling than when you meet that special someone for the first time. The first time I met my lover, we had a great time talking, and I felt pure love fill my heart.
  39. The first time I saw you, I knew I wanted to see you every day for the rest of my life. I never knew what true love was until the first time I met you.
  40. The first time I saw my lover, I knew it was meant to be. Our smiles were connected, and our love filled the air. Nothing could have prevented me from feeling that way.
  41. You know you’re in love when all you want is for them to be happy, even if it means that you must suffer alone. Love is forever.
  42. I didn’t know love could feel like this until I met you. You make me feel so good, and I’m so glad we met.
  43. I’ve never felt this way before. I didn’t want to look away the first time I saw her. A sparkle in her eyes told me she was my soulmate.
  44. I could feel your eyes on me from behind. And the minute you touched me, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
  45. I’ll never forget the first time I saw you. My heart skipped a beat, and I knew you were the one for me.
  46. The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. You’re my special one.
  47. You have no idea how long I have been searching for you, but now that I have found you, I will never let you go.
  48. There is no love like your first love, the one that made you believe in the fairy tales.
  49. I’ve never felt like this before. Every time I’m near you, I feel like I can do anything. You make me feel so alive.
  50. The exciting, thrilling feeling you get when you’re in love. The falling asleep together, holding hands touch that makes you feel like your heart is going to burst!


There’s no doubt about it: meeting someone new is one of the best feelings in the world. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for love or just a friend, making connections with people can be super-important to your well-being.

But when it comes down to it, meeting someone new is one of those things that really can’t be rushed—and there are plenty of things in our lives that we can do without rushing them! So how do we make sure we’re taking care of ourselves while we’re getting to know new people? We’ve got some tips for making sure you’re not only having fun but also being kind and giving back to others right along with it!
Now, which qoutes about meeting someone for the first time do you like the most?

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